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[ Reporting ] TFxxxxxx: SQL Server Reporting Services is configured to require a secure connection, however no HTTPS URL is configured with a valid certificate. Use the Reporting Services Configuration Manager to configure or remove HTTPS support by Mohammad Jalloul

This is an interesting error message that you might have seen while configuring TFS 2010 Beta 2 after you’ve installed SQL Server 2008 and have chosen to install and configure reporting services. TFS 2010 deployment is broken down into two steps. In the...

Source Servers and Long Paths by Mohammad Jalloul

Visual Studio has an interesting way of caching source files retrieved from source servers. In fact, it has two different ways of caching source server-served files: .NET Framework source files (Reference Source) Custom source files (source files from...

Fog Creek Software’s “Make Better Software” Training Series by Mohammad Jalloul

One of the coolest videos I have seen recently has been the trailer for Fog Creek Software ’s new training series titled “ Make Better Software ”. If you did not know (or you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years), Fog Creek Software is Joel...
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Code Organization by Mohammad Jalloul

“Thou shalt organize your code so that it is easily maintainable else thou shalt be dubbed a code sinner!” -anonymous A recent blog post about the importance of code organization by Michael Braude , an x-coworker of mine at Microsoft, really...
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Bill Gates at TED 09: How do you make a teacher great? by Mohammad Jalloul

Bill Gates gives a great presentation about 'how do you make a teacher great?' at TED 09 in Long Beach, CA. A must watch video !
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